简介: The show is a sequence of 12 stories about the adventures of four girls. The action takes part in a fantasy moxia.cc world filled with monsters and bad magicians.
依靠最弱辅助职能【话术士】的我统领世界最强氏族/Saikyou no Shienshoku "Wajutsushi" de Aru Ore wa Sekai Saikyou Clan wo Shitagaeru/The Most Notorious "Talker" Runs the World's Greatest Clan/
Saikyou no Shienshoku "Wajutsushi" de Aru Ore wa Sekai Saikyou Clan wo Shitagaeru/The/Most/Notorious/"Talker"/Runs/the/World's/Greatest/Clan/最凶の支援職/【話術士】である俺は世界最強クランを従える/